Monday 24 September 2012

Shaving foam sensory play!

Last week at Little ARTventurers we got out the shaving foam for some fluffy sensory play!

Playing with shaving foam is a great sensory and learning experience for tots - it was "Transport" week so we filled our tuff spot with cars, trucks and diggers and lots and lots of foam!

I also popped in a range of spoons and scoops and a ladle - and at the last minute threw in a few plastic cups which proved to be a great hit!

Scooping, squishing, smearing, making tracks, drawing shapes and making ice creams and milkshakes, building foamy towers and then knocking them was a huge hit with most of the children with just a couple who said that they didn't like the feel of the foam and preferring to just watch instead.

Shaving foam is a great tool for early mark making and trying out letters and shapes - children who haven't yet mastered the pencil grip can really enjoy drawing and shape making with instant results and without frustration. Plus it left our tuff spot really lovely and clean!

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